On gratitude

The pic above is of the notebook which a friend gave me last week.

Today will be awesome.

I like that statement. The boldness of it.

I posted on Insta when I took a snapshot of it that I know not every minute of today will be awesome. But it will contain parts that are.

Life isn’t pinterest perfect. I feel that is a good thing because perfect looks exhausting - I could dedicate a year of baking and my cupcakes would look nothing like the ones online. But segments of a day, a week, month or year will have awesome parts to it and I want to focus on that. The joyful things that make a difference. They are there and the more you appreciate them, the more you’ll find.

I’m working on being mindful this year. Letting go of what doesn’t bring joy as opposed to mulling it over. Releasing the need to say yes when I want to say no. Distancing myself from negativity. It is something I focus on daily and sometimes I feel I’m doing a great job and other times I realise I’ve taken a step back.

Last week my birthday was fantastic - I was spoilt and made a huge fuss of - I felt like a rockstar with all the birthday wishes. Spent the weekend in Hermanus celebrating with Mark. People at work made a fuss of me when I got back to the office on Monday. I met a good friend yesterday for tea (got spoilt with some lovely gifts) and I’m seeing my parents and sister this weekend so I feel like I’m still celebrating!

I always make a fuss of other people’s birthdays and as always you get those that reciprocate and those that don’t so much. And that is fine - I'm focusing on the ones that did. And by doing that I’m readjusting space in my life. Giving more to people who genuinely care and remember my special day (really not that difficult with FB literally reminding a person that you’ve had another 365 day trip around the sun). But also actively now not being prepared to give anymore time and effort to people who believe in taking only. Who are happy when you are doing what they want, when they want to. Celebrating their birthdays only and making others just an extra person they can tag on FB. Friendship is alot more than that. It is give and take.

Here is to an awesome year of focusing on the good.


Anthea Booysen8 Comments