37 Things
I’m turning 37 in a few days time but part of me still feels like I’m in my early 20’s! I enjoy getting excited for birthdays - I always have and I don’t view getting older as a negative thing - it is a gift I don’t take for granted.
In my (nearly) 37 years I’ve learnt alot and here are some lessons and thoughts:
Happiness is an inside job.
Planning is always a good idea but there are times when being spontaneous is brilliant.
Travel is amazing. I’ve always loved adventure and visiting new places is such a thrill.
Make good memories that you can look back on and still smile/laugh/shake your head at years later.
Buy the pretty shoes. Non-shoppers remorse is a terrible thing.
People remember kindness. Even the smallest gesture can make a huge difference to someones day.
Yoga is a wonderful way to relax and learn new things about yourself and your body.
It is never too late to say sorry.
Going for a run after a stressful day is a great way to release tension.
Some people will never be happy for you. If you have a happiness vampire in your circle it is time to find a new circle. I don’t have space in my life for someone that isn’t happy when I’m happy.
Appreciate your loved ones. Tell your partner/spouse and your family what they mean to you. Don’t assume they know what you are thinking.
A good book and a cup of tea is never a waste of time.
Getting the last word is often a very lonely victory.
Spending time in nature puts back what everyday stresses take out.
Learn to release what doesn’t bring joy - you don’t have to hold onto everything. Let go of a grudge, an unhealthy habit or that ugly jersey you never liked. All take up space - whether it is in your head or your wardrobe. Release and make room for the new.
Balance is essential - you cannot do everything everyday - you will burn out very quickly. Find time for yourself in between to-do lists and deadlines.
Cherish your grandparents. Losing mine was very difficult and it took a long time after my gran passed away in 2016 to feel like my old self.
Mindfulness in a busy world isn’t easy. But it is worth trying.
Going to bed early makes a huge difference to your energy levels the next day.
If you can find something creative that makes your heart flutter then make time for it. Blogging and feature writing take time - I make an effort because it is my creative outlet.
Try new things and decide for yourself if you are keen or not. Don’t let others dictate your likes or dislikes. At the end of the day we write our own reviews.
Don’t procrastinate. Go for that check up. Make that phone call to a loved one you haven’t seen in a while. Say thank you to someone who has made a difference. Don’t assume that it will be easier tomorrow/next week/next month.
There is a way to be assertive but still polite.
E-mail and text is quick and easy but don’t let convenience replace old fashioned communication. Pick up the phone.
Saying no and making time to put yourself first is going to be difficult at first but persevere.
Fitness is important - make time to find what works for you and enjoy it.
Everyone has to start somewhere - don’t be put off something new and unknown just because you aren’t an expert.
Gratitude is an attitude. Buy a notebook/journal/diary and write down 5 things you have to be grateful for each day. You’ll be amazed how many blessings you have. I started this habit in 2011 and it is a daily part of my routine.
Treat yourself with kindness and remember patience is something we can give ourselves as well as others.
Jim Rohn said you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with toxic, drama-seeking or negative people is a quick way to spiral into a negative and unhappy space. I’ve learnt some people aren’t content to be negative on their own - they actively project their thoughts and fears onto those around them, impact their mindfulness and upset them. No thank you.
Social media is wonderful but it is important to unplug and spend time offline. Don’t let screen time become your whole day.
Know when to ask for help. There is no shame in realising you cannot do something alone.
Trust and respect are two invaluable qualities and never something to take for granted. Both are difficult to regain when lost or damaged.
You don’t have to finish the book you aren’t enjoying. I wasted too many hours pushing through books so dull I’d rather do dishes. There is no shame not finishing a book. Anybody on Goodreads will agree!
Flapjacks are so easy to make but a non-stick pan means less effort (and swearing).
Use the things you buy instead of keeping for special occasions. Everyday is special. Don’t save the sexy underwear, fancy teapot and expensive perfume. Enjoy it now.
In a nutshell? Make every birthday awesome, never stop celebrating and trust me on the pretty shoes.