Today I’m linking up with Anne In Residence
Anne’s prompts for September are: appreciating, anticipating, collecting, starting and finishing.
Currently I am:
Appreciating: The rain! A couple of years ago Cape Town had an awful drought and we had strict water restrictions and alot of worry. It changed my mindset and I never complained about the rain since.
Anticipating: Spring! After a very cold winter I’m looking forward to wearing less layers of clothing.
Collecting: Jam jars. I had a moment of creative inspiration and have an idea of what I plan to do with the empty jars. Question - what is the easiest way to lift the sticky label?
Starting: a new fitness routine. I’ll admit cold weather, not prioritising workouts like I should and alot of biscuits are reflecting on the scale! I’m not quite ready to return to gym so I’m going to do more running.
Finishing: my scrapbooking ideas for my birthday earlier this year. I took some fun snaps and am finally getting around to putting them into my scrapbook.