Why self care looks different these days
Years ago if you had asked me what self care meant to me, I’d have listed the following:
Spa pampering
A workout in the gym
Shopping for random things like a new nail polish or pair of shoes
Having my hair done
Skipping the grocery shop after work and going to a restaurant
Post March 2020 my list of self care is very different. My version of pampering is doing my own nails or having a bubble bath on a winters evening. Book shopping has replaced wasting time and money shopping for clothes and shoes I don’t need. I love to start a Saturday with some early morning reading in bed with my favourite coffee. Hubby always makes me the best coffee and I actually enjoy winter mornings! We cancelled our gym memberships and work out outdoors (weather permitting).
But self care is ultimately about putting yourself first. And my list now goes alot deeper than it did before last year. These days it includes:
Walking away from drama. Letting go of the invisible clutter which wastes time and mental space.
Saying no. Even when things are back to normal I will still refuse to fill my diary with plans that don’t bring joy.
Setting boundaries and normalizing selective sharing. I don’t have to share news I don’t want to share. There is a difference between privacy and secrecy and learning this has been a huge mind shift for me.
Being more present and mindful.
I believe that the term self-care is something that will evolve as time goes. For me my list is hugely different to last year and I feel what it is about now is alot deeper but bringing a much more profound sense of peace.