Hello Friday
Happy Friday everyone! Goodness but this week was fueled on coffee and lots of it! The weather here in Cape Town has treated us to some beautiful sunny days (where you think spring is here) and then some rain and cold temperatures (where you think winter hasn’t left). Still it is Friday and I’m thrilled!
On my old blog I used to do a weekly gratitude list every Friday and while I still make my own list in notebooks (yes I’m a total stationery addict), I thought I’d share one online today.
My gratitude list right now includes:
Our beautiful Petunias which are looking stunning in the back garden.
A busy week is almost complete. We are still working from home but I went in to the office for a few hours to finish up quarter end.
Grocery shopping for the week is done.
Biltong and wine before dinner on Tuesday - it was delicious.
Watching my new favourite show Katie Keene - love that series!
2 lunchtime workouts outside
Finding an old book and re-reading it.
Coffee on chilly mornings. If I get up early, I’ll take a cup outside and sit listening to the birds.
Winning a competition on Instagram this week - was so excited! Cannot wait to get my prize and do a review on it - watch this space!
Connecting with fellow bloggers from around the world through our blogs - I find that pretty awesome. I was considering taking a social media break recently and then realised it was only a certain platform that was draining me. To the point I was dreading logging onto it. When I deactivated FB I felt so much better. I’m still on Insta (and loving it). A ship doesn’t sink because of the water around it - it sinks because of water that gets inside. Super deep thoughts for a Friday!
We have a day trip planned for tomorrow - looking forward to brunch take aways and some time chilling in nature.
Have a good weekend everyone.