One hour a day

At the beginning of the year I decided to prioritize my lunch hour and do something for myself each day.

I vowed to make the most of the 60 minutes between 1:00 and 2:00pm on weekdays. I pictured myself exercising, having a quick shower and being back at my desk at 2:00pm refreshed after a great workout.

Or making hubby and I nutritious smoothies packed with healthy vitamins.

I planned to update my website and make time for creativity.

Go out for a take away coffee or better still sit down and unwind.

We are now in November and I have used the majority of lunch hours working or scrolling on my phone. The just one more e-mail thought pattern or let me quickly answer this Whatsapp or DM.

Occasionally hubby and I will do a quick grocery shop or try go for a walk but this is not often enough. Most of the time we try fit this in at the end of the work day.

One hour out of twenty four is basically 4% of the day and yet I’ve not been able to take it and use it as planned. It has been easier to just try tick things off a to-do list instead of filling my cup.

Today I decided to make it a priority for the rest of the year and see if that helps my energy levels. We used it to go to the shops and get a tasty lunch and tomorrow’s dinner.

Tomorrow I plan on finally getting to the book I’ve been too busy to read. Sitting with a cup of tea and soaking up the Friday vibes.

Small steps. Lets see how it goes.

What about you? Do you take our lunch hour or do find some days are too busy?
