5 things on Friday volume 9

5 things that are currently on my mind:

Comfy t-shirt for warmer weather

The message is Live Simple and it is so comfortable :)


I did another very early start this morning and feel I got more out my day. I did a meditation which always eases me into the morning. Had coffee. Pottered around the house. Worked on my website and all this before work. It is summer here so easier to get up early.

day 17 of nablopomo

November is going so quickly and I cannot believe we are on day 17. Seriously still just winging it!


I started watching the new season and find I am more interested in looking at the properties and the stunning views than the drama (am I officially getting old?)


Super happy Friday is here. Going to log off, get dinner started and then chill with hubby and Netflix.

What are your weekend plans?
