Day 23 of NaBloPoMo

I honestly never thought I’d take part in NaBloPoMo or make it to day 23. Each year I’d consider joining in on the fun and each year I’d find excuses.

This year I made a plan instead of a list of reasons why I don’t have the time. I’m so glad I am taking part! Just wish I could find more hours in the day as I feel so behind on replying to comments and returning them. I will prioritise this over the weekend - I promise!

In the meantime I’m pondering how quickly I got into a wonderful habit of blogging daily. Letting the creativity flow even though sometimes it was super early in the morning or late at night when I was exhausted.

For the rest of November and December I want to start (and maintain healthy habits). These include:

  • Drinking more water

  • Eating more vegetables and fruit (I used to love making smoothies)

  • Getting back into a workout routine

It is 3 habits that I’m hoping to make part of my day and then start the new year on a good note.

What are your year end goals?
