Busy vs productive weekends

Typing this with less than an hour to go until midnight.

For hubby today was a very productive day - he finished painting our house! It has been a huge project and I’m so proud of all of hubby’s hard work. The house looks fantastic and it is all thanks to him.

For me today was just busy and I feel like I don’t have much to show for it. I caught up on some admin. Didn’t keep an eye on the time and ran late and had to move my spa appointment to a half an hour later. Spent far too much time looking for the Christmas decorations as I hadn’t labelled our storage boxes in the garage properly. Eventually found them after unpacking and then repacking the boxes. Emerged dusty and tired and only managed to put the tree up and organise the decorations onto the dining room table.

Hubby and I had the same amount of hours in our Saturday and he used his wisely.

I on the other hand am frantically typing out a blog post before Sunday morning so I can keep on top of NaBloPoMo (day 25!)

Same amount of time in the day and we’ve had 2 very different days.

What did you get up to today? Did you have a busy or productive day? Or was it a relaxing Saturday?
